Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Pinterest Success - DIY Beauty Brush Organizer

Pinterest Success -DIY Beauty Brush Organizer

We've all seen the Pinterest fails – that although are funny- are really not that surprising, at least to me. However the shock factor actually hit me when I was able to pull off a Pinterest Success with the pin above! As with most pins it seemed pretty simple until I started…  if you want to pull off this DIY beauty brush organizer here’s a few tips on what to do before you  get started and a heads up on what you may run into along the way.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Stitch Fix #5 Review

My on again off again relationship with the subscription box, Stitch Fix, is back to being on the fritz. 

 If you didn't get a chance to read my last review, here’s a recap:

The first fix lead me on- there were a couple cute items and then a few that made me raise an eyebrow, however the company suggests waiting until the third box, when the stylist takes your feedback and really gets to know more of your style. I was highly disappointed when the third box came and appeared to be the worst one yet. So our relationship went on hiatus until I began beauty blogging and thought it was time to give this another try.  My fourth box ( the one prior to this one) was fabulous-  I kept every single item and began advocating  for the company.

That’s when I put my money where my mouth was and signed up for box #5.