Friday, June 29, 2012

Maintain a Blog to Get the Job

One of the main reasons I blog is to share the insight I have learned throughout my professional journey as both a student, graduate and now working professional. I want to share some of the steps, lessons and mistakes that I have made so that if you stumble upon this blog you can get to know me, my writing and hopefully take something with you, even if its just a laugh for the day at a silly meme.

The truth is though that by committing to writing this blog I am also enhancing my writing skills, growing as a professional and filing away lessons I have learned. Check out this post by Qorvis.

From: Qorvis

"What you are currently reading is a blog, a form of expression that allows users to share their ideas across a digital landscape. Bloggers post pictures, videos, recipes, or stories about their life, or interests. Not since the invention of the printing press has a form of technology had such a profound impact on the written word. Simply stated, the blog is brilliant.

For this post, I want to speak directly to those seeking employment. Those with a steady gig are encouraged to read on, but for today, my focus is on my unemployed friends.

Ladies and gentleman, you face an uphill battle. No matter if you are fresh out of college or a decorated veteran of the marketing battlefield, you are no match for the weakened economy. Companies are now carefully considering every hiring decision and only those with the perfect set of tools make the cut. So, let’s add another tool to your belt.

You need a blog. This is not a suggestion – it’s an order. Pick a topic you are passionate about and start writing. The topic is of less importance than the quality of your writing. Your goal is to be engaging, sound smart, and show your worth.

A blog is a powerful tool because of its ability to display worth. Posting regularly shows you are dedicated and diligent. And, in addition to displaying your writing abilities, it also shows a potential employer you’re in tune with an ever-changing online community.

Blogging is a gateway that provides invaluable training on how to interact with others through a number of different channels. For instance, you will learn how to leverage Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon, and other platforms to push your message and attract readers to your site. Additionally, by maintaining a blog, you will discover the intricacies of data analytics and how they correlate with your content. Most importantly, you gain the ability to speak fluently about new media marketing. Recruiters or potential employers at communications firms drool over candidates that require little training in these areas.

During my time as a high school football coach, I often told my players, “put yourself in the best position to win.” The advice: While the situation will rarely be ideal, with the right skills or mentality, you will make that play. This same idea holds true for gaining employment.
Blogging will put you in the best position to win. Add your blog URL to your resume and always carry hard copies of your most popular posts to interviews. Professionalize your blog and maybe think about posting about industry-related content.  Finally, keep screen shots of your blog’s progress and don’t be scared to show these during an interview.

Remember: the emphasis is on not really on the topic. It’s on the opportunity to share your thoughts and showcase your knowledge about the changing digital landscape. Your worth is at your fingertips, so be brilliant and start blogging."

Monday, June 18, 2012

Inspirational Quotes to Start Your Week

You may not be in Public Relations, Marketing or Event Planning. You may be a CEO instead of an intern or entry level associate. You may not even be going to work today...

Wherever you find yourself this morning... here are some inspirational quotes to start your week!