Monday, December 22, 2014

How to utilize what you already have in your closet to create a fresh new look!

What’s in Your Closet?

If I asked for a show of hands for this question- I would have to pause from typing and raise my own. How many times do you find yourself saying I don't know what to wear? You are standing there looking at a top and then at a bottom, but not knowing what to wear either with—and you’re sure as hell not going to wear them together.

Now buyer’s remorse kicks in and you begin kicking yourself ( hopefully metaphorically) for continuing to purchase items separately instead of as an entire outfit. But isn't’ this the fun of fashion- collecting pieces at a steal here and there to then mix and match and make your own? Don’t be so hard on yourself and read on for some simple suggestions on....

How to  utilize what you already have in your closet to create a fresh new look!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Under 10 Minute Beauty Routine

Unless you’re Beyoncé you didn't wake up flawless which means you have your set morning routine to get you where you want to be. 

But how many times are you hitting snooze and wind up racing the clock to get ready in the a.m.?

 Or falling asleep while curling your hair because you had to get up super early to accommodate your beauty regimen?Who says looking good takes a long time? Turn down for what-Stay out longer and  sleep in longer with these must-have items that will get you ready in under 10 minutes. Personally reviewed and regularly used!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Brush Up with these Must-Have Beauty Brushes

Brush up on your beauty tools with this must-have make up brushes!

Confession time- I use to be under the assumption the type of brush you bought didn’t matter…. WRONG. I first discovered this after my second makeover at Sephora – which I highly recommend doing with certain guidelines ( that will be posted soon).

While the artist worked in the product, I noticed how it effortlessly developed evenly throughout my skin. I’m not scientist but I had used the same products but different tools and came out with two different looks – the one at the counter was polished, the from my personal vanity looked pushed and less natural. This lead me to purchase their house collection and in turn begin wondering if all designer brushes are created equal.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

5 Fall Colors You and Your Fingers Will Want to Rock Into Winter

Prestige Cosmetics has me hooked after sending over these five fabulous colors. I began researching the company and found out that they are typically compared to Urban Decay and Smash Box but virtually half the price. The designer quality without the designer price tag is truly want young professionals and just play smart shoppers really need and deserve. You can heck out the entire line here to find ones that fit you and your style. The company also sells face, lip and eye products that I'm hoping will be a future feature and review #HintHint ;).

I've paired the colors up with some outfits suggestions- a couple of which I have personally rocked myself but would love to hear what you do with the colors and how they fit into your wardrobe!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Fall In Love with These Fall Fabulous Items!!

When hearing the word fall we can't help but think crisp air, crunch leaves and a pumpkin spice latte. 

This fall we've had some additional guests to the fall fashion world we are loving right now and sharing in our fall fabulous round up! 

While of course paying homage to the fall favorites as well.